Integrated ESG-Reporting:

Oreamnos ESG offers you a user-friendly, web-based solution that enables you to comply with all the requirements of the CSRD, EU Taxonomy, the CS3D and the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) efficiently in one software package.

  • CSRD: Our software covers the entire reporting process from the scoping of the companies concerned to the materiality analysis, the group-wide collection of reporting data and the preparation and disclosure of the sustainability declaration in XHTML format.
  • EU Taxonomy: With Oreamnos ESG you can identify all relevant economic activities and check them for taxonomy conformity and conveniently determine the taxonomy KPIs (turnover, CapEx, OpEx).
  • CS3D: Our software integrates all due diligence obligations required by the LkSG/CS3D in one software. This includes policy and risk management, risk analysis of suppliers, management of preventive and remedial measures, an efficient complaints system and smooth annual reporting.

With Oreamnos ESG, you are ideally equipped to keep track of all the important details and changes in the constantly growing regulatory systems. Our software integrates all specifications and updates them continuously so that you can concentrate on your core business.

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Oreamnos ESG enables the integrated fulfillment of all key ESG reporting obligations through workflows tailored to your company.

Oreamnos ESG offers a comprehensive solution for ESG reporting in accordance with ESRS requirements. With functions such as a materiality analysis based on an integrated catalog and individually created IROs, automatic scoping of the ESRS inventory, multilingual and continuously updated disclosure requirements, workflow-based data queries including monitoring and automatic reminders, the consolidation of reporting data as well as the creation of the ESRS part of the sustainability statement and XBRL-compliant tagging of disclosures, the software facilitates compliance with ESRS requirements and enables efficient ESG reporting.

Our software supports companies efficiently and accurately in reporting according to the EU Taxonomy by covering all relevant requirements. It enables the analysis of the taxonomy eligibility of economic activities and the assessment of the taxonomy compliance of eligible economic activities. Furthermore, it provides a mapping of revenue, CapEx and OpEx according to the group chart of accounts with taxonomy-compliant activities and generates the report according to Article 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation. This powerful and user-friendly software facilitates compliance with EU Taxonomy requirements and enables efficient and accurate reporting.

Our software supports you in fully complying with the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D). It offers comprehensive risk management based on a customizable catalog of human rights and environmental risks as well as additional risks identified as part of the risk inventory. Furthermore, the software enables an abstract risk analysis of your suppliers' locations and sectors by evaluating over 60 studies, indices and UN conventions. A concrete risk analysis of suppliers is supported by customizable questionnaires and automatic sanctions list and register checks. The maintenance and monitoring of preventive and remedial measures for identified risks and violations are integrated, as is a digital complaints system. The software also enables the creation and publication of the annual CS3D report. On request, we can also act as an external human rights officer for you.

Our software enables you to implement the comprehensive requirements of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) with maximum efficiency. It offers comprehensive risk management based on a customizable risk catalog as well as additional risks identified during the risk inventory for violations of relevant legal provisions in the country of production. The software enables the systematic procurement of information, including geo-data of the production areas, and supports the submission of a due diligence declaration as proof that due diligence obligations have been fulfilled. With this powerful and user-friendly solution, you can facilitate compliance with EUDR requirements and ensure efficient and accurate risk management.

Workflow-basiertes ESG-Management Alle Schritte des ESG-Managements werden durch intelligente Workflows abgebildet.

Mehrsprachigkeit (bis zu 31 Sprachen) Die Benutzeroberfläche und alle Inhalte können in 31 Sprachen angezeigt und bearbeitet werden.

Integriertes Reporting und Monitoring Alle relevanten Daten sowie der Bearbeitungsstatus aller Aufgaben ist via Dashboards auswertbar.

Dokumentation und Archivierung Dokumentation und Archivierung aller Informationen für die gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsdauer.

Scoping auf Ihre Unternehmensaktivitäten Alle Workflows werden in einem intialen Scoping auf Ihr Unternehmen zugeschnitten.

Integriertes IKS zu ESG-Themen Oreamnos ESG bietet alle Risiken und Kontrollen die Sie im Rahmen von ESG benötigen.