The only GRC solution you need.

Companies have neither the time nor the inclination to keep track of the growing jungle of rules and regulations. Hiring consulting firms costs valuable time and money. Not with Oreamnos GRC!

  • Oreamnos GRC offers fully customizable content for all essential business and legal requirements (policies, tools, risks, controls, etc.).
  • This content is constantly updated.
  • Companies can once again fully focus on their core business.

With Oreamnos GRC, you can quickly establish comprehensive risk and control management that meets legal requirements and ensures your company's success.

big picture

With Oreamnos GRC you can manage risks, monitor controls and manage your policies.

The risk and control catalog integrated in Oreamnos GRC is a central component of our software and provides you with a continuously updated catalog of all significant economic and legal risks as well as corresponding internal controls for all common end-to-end business processes. Simply select the risks and controls that are relevant to you and save yourself and your employees valuable time and money researching new requirements and specifications.

Oreamnos GRC offers you automated policy management including customizable content. To do this, you load your policies into your Oreamnos GRC or select the policies, procedures, etc. that are relevant to you from our catalog and adapt them to your individual needs using our intelligent rule engine. All relevant people are then informed and digitally confirm that they have received the information. If you wish, we can integrate your Oreamnos policy management into your existing intranet.

Define your company-specific risk and control universe (GRC universe). You decide which companies in your group you want to take into account and which business processes are relevant to you. Using our intelligent GRC scoping process, you can then select the risks and controls that are relevant to you and assign them to the people responsible. The days of endless workarounds with Excel and the like are finally over for you.

Identify new risks and evaluate them using individually configurable quantitative and qualitative assessment criteria. To protect your company from the occurrence or impact of the identified risks, evaluate your implemented controls or create new controls if necessary. This means you always have an overview of the greatest risks to your company and the effectiveness of your internal controls.

If the risk and control assessment identifies a need for action, a risk or control measure must be created to counter the identified risks or eliminate deficiencies in the control system. Thanks to our intelligent task manager, you keep track of all measures and can use your resources effectively.

Monitor the status of your risk and control assessment and the implementation of all measures in real time using customizable dashboards. Create reports on the results of your risk and control management that meet all legal requirements and the relevant auditing standards. Using our integrated Monte Carlo simulation, you always have an eye on your individual risk position and can take timely measures to avert risks.

Workflow-based GRC management All steps of GRC management are mapped out by intelligent workflows.

Multilingualism (up to 31 languages) The user interface and all content can be displayed and edited in 31 languages.

Integrated reporting and monitoring All relevant data as well as the processing status of all tasks can be evaluated via dashboards.

Documentation and archiving Documentation and archiving of all information for the statutory retention period.

Our modules at a glance:

The Financial Reporting module integrates policies, risks and controls for all essential requirements relating to financial reporting into your Oreamnos GRC. It also includes various tools for automating the financial reporting process.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of financial reporting risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Accounting guidelines for annual financial statements according to HGB/IFRS
  • Accounting guidelines for consolidated financial statements according to HGB/IFRS
  • Document retention policy
  • Ongoing “Info-Accounting” about news/legal changes
  • Tool for creating and maintaining group-wide account and position plans
  • Tool for automated creation of (group) appendices
  • Tool for the automated creation of (group) management reports
  • and much more.

The Tax Compliance module integrates guidelines as well as risks and controls for all essential tax requirements into your Oreamnos GRC. You also receive a tool for creating procedural documentation. Oreamnos TCMS meets all the requirements of IDW PS 980 in conjunction with IDW Practical Note 1/2016, so you are fully auditable.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of financial reporting risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Tax Compliance Policy
  • Guidelines for handling donations
  • Sponsorship Policy
  • Directive on the taxation of events
  • Document retention policy
  • Tool for creating process documentation
  • and much more.

The ESG Management module integrates guidelines as well as risks and controls for all essential sustainability requirements (in particular LkSG, CS3D, CSRD, EU taxonomy, CBAM) into your Oreamnos GRC. In addition, various tools for the automated creation of contracts and templates (e.g. code of conduct, declaration of principles) are included.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of financial reporting risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Sustainability guidelines, Code of Conduct, statement of principles according to LkSG and CSRD requirements
  • Tool for automated risk analysis of suppliers
  • Complaints system according to § 8 LkSG
  • Tool for taxonomy reporting (Art. 8 EU Taxonomy) [approx. from Q3 2024]
  • Tool for automated creation of contracts & templates (e.g. code of conduct, declaration of principles)
  • and much more.

The Data Protection module integrates guidelines as well as risks and controls for all essential data protection requirements (GDPR, BDSG) into your Oreamnos GRC. In addition, various tools for the automated creation of contracts and templates (e.g. order processing contracts, processing documentation and data protection notices) are included.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of data protection risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Data protection guidelines according to GDPR/BDSG
  • Document retention policy
  • Tool for creating and maintaining processing documentation (including TOMs, DSFA, deletion concept, etc.)
  • Tool for the automated creation of contracts & templates (e.g. order processing contracts, data protection notices, DPO appointment)
  • Data breach and violation reporting tool
  • and much more.

The Anti-Money Laundering module integrates policies, risks and controls for all essential money laundering and sanctions law requirements into your Oreamnos GRC. It also includes a tool for automated business partner screening.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of money laundering risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Money laundering and sanctions guidelines
  • Tool for automated business partner screening (trade and transparency registers, PEP lists, sanctions lists)
  • and much more.

The Information Security module integrates policies, risks and controls for all information security requirements according to ISO 27001 into your Oreamnos GRC, making you fully certifiable.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of money laundering risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Information security guidelines according to ISO 27001
  • Definition and management of protection classes and assets with automatic assignment of associated risks, controls & measures from Oreamnos GRC
  • Critical Incident Reporting System
  • and much more.

The Fraud & Corruption module integrates policies, risks and controls for all essential requirements relating to fraud and corruption into your Oreamnos GRC. It also includes a tool for managing donations and sponsorship measures.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of money laundering risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Money laundering and sanctions guidelines
  • Tool for donation and sponsorship management (probably from Q3 2023)
  • and much more.

The Quality Management module integrates tools, guidelines, risks and controls for all quality management requirements according to ISO 9001 into your Oreamnos GRC, making you fully certifiable.

  • Continuously updated catalogue of money laundering risks and best practice controls for Oreamnos GRC
  • Quality management guidelines according to ISO 9001
  • Tool for complaints management (probably from Q4 2024)
  • Tool for idea management (probably from Q4 2024)
  • Tool for planning and managing maintenance measures (probably from Q4 2024)
  • Critical Incident Reporting System
  • and much more.
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