Individual whistleblower systems

Oreamnos WBT offers a flexible, web-based whistleblowing system that can be customized to your specific needs.

  • Modular structure for tailor-made solutions: Our whistleblower system is modular so that it can be tailored precisely to your individual needs and company requirements.
  • Comprehensive support and assistance: If you wish, we can take over the complete management of the whistleblower system so that you can concentrate on your core business.
  • Ombudsperson role: We offer to act as a neutral ombudsperson to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the whistleblower system.

Oreamnos WBT offers a customizable whistleblower system that is fully managed and efficiently meets your compliance requirements.

big picture

Without suitable software, it is hardly possible to meet the legal requirements for whistleblower systems without risk.

The HinSchG protects all persons who, in connection with their professional activities, report violations in accordance with the legal requirements or who are affected by a report.

Appointment of an independent person or department that can handle information free of conflicts of interest and with the necessary expertise.

Obligation to process and follow up on information; acknowledgement of receipt within seven days and feedback on follow-up measures taken or planned within three months.

Audit-proof documentation and archiving of all information and measures taken.

Workflow-based tip management All steps of tip management are mapped out by intelligent workflows.

Multilingualism (up to 31 languages) The user interface and all content can be displayed and edited in 31 languages.

Integrated reporting and monitoring All relevant data as well as the processing status of all tasks can be evaluated via dashboards.

Documentation and archiving Documentation and archiving of all information for the statutory retention period.

Use of various reporting channels Information can be submitted and processed in writing or via voice recording.

Automated communication Communication with whistleblowers is fully automated for key process steps.

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